Culture Politics Religion

CatholicVote’s Bold $1M Campaign: Boycott LA Dodgers

In a powerful letter addressed to the Los Angeles Dodgers, one of the nation’s largest Catholic advocacy organizations has announced an upcoming advertising campaign that calls for a boycott of the baseball club. CatholicVote President Brian Burch, representing millions of devoted Catholics, expressed concerns over the team’s association with an anti-Catholic drag queen group and urged the Dodgers’ executives to reconsider their decision. The organization has allocated a significant $1 million budget to encourage Catholics to support the boycott.

Highlighting the importance of life, family, and freedom, Burch emphasized that these cherished values should be respected rather than ridiculed. The letter challenged the Dodgers’ claim of listening to everyone and questioned their choice to honor the controversial drag queen troupe Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, known for their history of anti-Catholic messaging and provocative performances. Burch requested a personal meeting to convey the deep hurt and harm caused by the team’s decision.

The Los Angeles Dodgers initially backtracked on honoring the group due to widespread backlash, but their reversal was quickly reinstated after LA Pride withdrew from participating in solidarity with the drag queen troupe. Amidst this controversy, Bishop Robert Barron and Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone have called for a boycott of the Dodgers, expressing disappointment and accusing the team of disrespecting the Catholic faith. Their statements underscore the need for Catholics’ voices, including clergy and religious sisters, to be heard and acknowledged.

As the CatholicVote campaign gains momentum, it represents a concerted effort to hold the Los Angeles Dodgers accountable for their perceived support of anti-Catholic sentiments. The organization’s commitment to defending religious values and seeking dialogue with team leaders reinforces the desire for mutual understanding and respect.

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